Wordscapes Master – Ripple 9 – Levels 21825 to 21840 – SOLUTIONS & ANSWERS

Every Wordscapes player needs help once in a while, it’s almost impossible to know each and every correct word required to finish all the individuals levels available. Have in mind that we have organized the totality of the game solutions for those who want some assistance.
For organizational purposes and for the users who are interested in getting the solutions for those Wordscapes hard levels we catalogue in the same way as the game. In this section you can see underneath all the levels contained in the particular pack.
Give a click to your level wait until the correct answers and bonus words are displayed and advance to the next Wordscapes challenge!
Wordscapes LEVELS (21825 to 21840) correspondent to Ripple 9 – Master:
(Click over the Level N° – Letters and get the correct answers)