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  2. TOP 5 question and answer titles to play in Android

TOP 5 question and answer titles to play in Android

Here you will find the best question and answer titles for Android devices. All of these games will make your brain work harder in order to find the correct answers. You need to get all the answers right if you want to complete the hardest levels.

List of question and answer games for Android


The name of this game may seem weird, but it was given with a purpose. You have to guess 94% of the answers to any question you get.

This game has thousands of questions and levels, and if you get less than 94%, you won’t be able to pass to the next challenge.  The game updates frequently, so expect new challenges soon.

Download 94% for Android

Popcorn Trivia

Even though it may not seem like it, Popcorn trivia is a complex game. It’s a game in which you will have to answer questions related to movies. You could find questions about different genres and even questions about the actors involved in the films.

Choose a quiz, answer the questions and test your knowledge about the movie industry.

Download Popcorn Trivia for Android


Are you a fan of answering questions? Then Quizzy is the perfect game for you. Thanks to Quizzy you will learn new things while having fun. Gain XP as you answer all the requests.

It offers different categories for you to discover, and if you love science or sports, this is your chance to shine.

Download Quizzy for Android

Quiz Trivia

Quiz Trivia is the ultimate trivia quiz. It contains more than 1,000 questions including separated categories. You will find questions related to math, science, computers and other topics.

Moreover, you can join daily contests to increase your capacity to learn.

Download Quiz Trivia for Android

Trivia Deluxe

Lastly, Trivia Deluxe is an excellent question and answer title for your Android device. The more questions you answer, the more points you will obtain. Furthermore, if you get high scores, you are going to receive extra rewards, which you can use within the game for your own benefit.

Download Trivia Deluxe for Android

Could you find the answer you were looking for?

If you have not found the answers to the level you are looking for, or you need the solutions for another game, we invite you to get in touch to help you.

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