Fantasy World – Group 872 – Puzzle 2 SOLUTIONS

If you stucked in an specific CodyCross puzzle you should definitely find the answer for that clue in the right world and group in order to get the correspondent solution and continue playing the game.
Don’t fell frustrated if you use the help provided in the site it’s a hard game and the idea is to learn and improve your knowledge, if you don’t pass a level you can’t advance to the next group and world so it’s logical to search for the answer of an specific level.
Search below and advance to the next puzzle!
CodyCross SOLUTIONS for the Puzzle 2 in the Group 872 in the world Fantasy World:
(Click on the clues / hints which you need the answer / solution)
Beautiful __; Pink’s 2017 chart-topping album
Boy with wax wings that flew too close to the sun
Facts __, knowledge imprint of Infobase Publishing
Fighting Joe, assigned to the Army of the Potomac
Finish city of an Antipodean Boxing Day yacht race
Keir __, first UK Labour Party leader
Outer edges of a slice of bread
Piggy mammals with long noses; anagram of a strip
Plan showing the proposed look and function
Tax returned to earner for overpayment