Fantasy World – Group 872 – Puzzle 1 SOLUTIONS

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Don’t fell frustrated if you use the help provided in the site it’s a hard game and the idea is to learn and improve your knowledge, if you don’t pass a level you can’t advance to the next group and world so it’s logical to search for the answer of an specific level.
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CodyCross SOLUTIONS for the Puzzle 1 in the Group 872 in the world Fantasy World:
(Click on the clues / hints which you need the answer / solution)
Body of water created by a meandering river
Bonjour __, book by the precocious Françoise Sagan
Bracelet without dangling symbols; a rude person
Canadian steampunk TV series about Abnormals
Carbon allotrope informally called a buckyball
Mimic martial arts movements without contact
Son of Meg Ryan; played Marvel in The Hunger Games
This Paul had Wings and Lonely Hearts Club bands
William the __, Medieval king born out of wedlock
__ Friday; wear casual clothes to work once a week